What I learned from parenting workshops #3 — Adaptive mechanism 1: Respect & consideration

photo of woman tutoring young boy

Three weeks ago I started a parenting mini-series. To share insights gleaned from workshops I attended this year on how to parent teens. I then followed it up with another entry a week later. That one discussed the emotional, biological, social and relationship changes teens undergo. I ended the piece by mentioning mechanisms that parents like me might incorporate … Continue reading What I learned from parenting workshops #3 — Adaptive mechanism 1: Respect & consideration

Autism advocacy #2 — To label or not to label?

a handwritten slogan on a white and blue poster

Should a person with an invisible disability (PWID) like autism wear a visible identity label in public? So asked a forum contributor in the local dailies. In her letter that was published yesterday, Ms Amy LOH Chee Seen wondered if it would help to stick a label or some sign on a PWID. That way, … Continue reading Autism advocacy #2 — To label or not to label?