My Monday Metrical Musings #124

extreme close up photo of frightened eyes

Anxiety attacks

An anxiety attack comes like a…

…stab in the solar plexus
…punch to the palette
…tightening of the torso
…a feeling of fear

An anxiety attack leaves me…

…desperate for deliverance
…eager to escape
…hoping for heaven
…numb to what’s “now”

An anxiety attack disappears when…

…its source surrenders
…I surrender
…time progresses
…a heart collapses

An anxiety attack can return if we…

…plunge into an icy pool
…unprepared and unschooled
…panic without a plan
…fail to understand.

One thought on “My Monday Metrical Musings #124

  1. I used to be so susceptible to anxiety. I still haven’t found a true solution for it, but I’ve not been under its grip for quite sometime now, and I suspect it’s through routine and keeping the mind busy. Idle hands are the devil’s plaything, after all, and I truly believe that. Great way to capture this topic!

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