Father-son bonding #2 — Rites of Passage

Hey J my precious son, Since my first post about it, I'm getting both excited and nervous as I start planning our December staycay. Truth is, I've never in a million years thought I would be undertaking such an ambitious project -- to take us away for a father-son bonding retreat. Just us two. To … Continue reading Father-son bonding #2 — Rites of Passage

Father-son bonding #1 — “Now that exams are done, …”

adventure backlit dawn dusk

Hey J my precious son, First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS! After six long years of primary school education, you're finally done with that Holy Grail of a gruelling national examination (the PSLE or Primary School Leaving Examinations). That which forever decides which secondary school you'll go to next year. Of course it's only the first of … Continue reading Father-son bonding #1 — “Now that exams are done, …”