Thank you, COVID-19, for strengthening the bond between my sons

One of the best takeaways during this COVID-19 global crisis would certainly have to be the opportunity for me to see my sons grow closer to each other as we stayed home. It also made me see anew the plus point of having both my kids being of the same gender. For the longest time, … Continue reading Thank you, COVID-19, for strengthening the bond between my sons

Give me Liberty now; Life can wait – Sweden’s Light-touch strategy for COVID

Though brief, it was a little hard to ignore. There nestled today among the cesspool of news articles on (what else?) COVID-19 that dominated most pages of our daily newspapers, I saw this sobering piece of news, with a rather eye-popping statistic. As of 8 May, Sweden (with a population of around 10.3 million) had … Continue reading Give me Liberty now; Life can wait – Sweden’s Light-touch strategy for COVID